StartWright is the leading reference site for the information needs of information technology project managers and support staff traveling to, starting up, and working on remote, dispersed or virtual projects.

About Here-Oh's      Hero-Ohs   Here-Oh' s (2000)   Here-Oh's (1999-1998)


bulletWeek of 2001.12.30
bulletLogophilia The Web Site for Word Lovers   Words and Etymology (Words)
bulletWeek of 2001.12.23
bulletVirtual Corporations & Outsourcing (from Brint) (Virtual Teams)
bulletWeek of 2001.12.16 Intelligent Life on the Web (Neat Stuff)
bulletWeek of 2001.12.09
bulletCompInfo - Groupware, Workflow, Email, Calendar, Collaborative Software an extensive directory (Team Groupware)
bulletWeek of 2001.12.02   Home of the CoWorking News and Bernard DeKoven's
Technography Center. A valuble resource for managers, facilitators and
participants in collaborative efforts.  (Virtual Teams)
bulletWeek of 2001.11.25
bulletPlanningPlanet a centralized database of production rates and cycle times (Project Management)
bulletWeek of 2001.11.18 Helping Small Businesses Grow and Prosper Online (Small Business)
bulletWeek of 2001.11.11
bulletGlossary of Linguistics and Rhetoric (Words ABout Words)
bulletWeek of 2001.11.04
bulletVerbatim is a magazine devoted to what is amusing, interesting, and engaging about the English language and languages in general (Linguisrics)
bulletWeek of 2001.10.28
bulletMethods & Tools - the FREE PDF and HTML e-newsletter for software  engineering and application development professionals (PM Tools)
bulletWeek of 2001.10.21
bulletSpeaking of Language from Yahooligan's ... great collection of links  (Words)
bulletWeek of 2001.10.14
bulletProject Management Resources Web Site PM Tools reviews (PM Tools)
bulletWeek of 2001.10.07 "the US radio & TV directory" (Radio & TV)
bulletWeek of 2001.09.30
bulletTerminology Collection - Computing  Many languages! From the University of Vaasa (Finland) Terminology Forum (Words)
bulletWeek of 2001.09.23
bulletExecutivePlanet  "Business Etiquette and Culture in U.S. Top Trading Partner Nations." (Business Travel)
bulletWeek of 2001.09.16
bulletWhatsonwhen "The Worldwide Events Guide"  (Travel)
bulletWeek of 2001.09.09
bulletCommon Errors in English Paul Brians, Professor of English,Washington State University (Words)
bulletWeek of 2001.09.02
bulletThe Road Warrior International Travel Guide A 158 Country Handbook for the International Traveler (Travel)
bulletWeek of 2001.08.26
bulletTechTarget "The Leading Network of Enterprise IT Web Sites" (Information Technology)
bulletWeek of 2001.08.19 free software project management course and guide  (Project Management Tips & Articles)
bulletWeek of 2001.08.12
bulletCAN-PLAN (FREE) Project Management Software (Project Management Tools Page)
bulletWeek of 2001.08.05
bulletProject SMART  (UK) The Programme and Project Management Resource Center (Project Management)
bulletWeek of 2001.07.29
bulletThe Knowledge Management Resource Center   "a comprehensive collection of KM resources,each of them reviewed and briefly described to help you quickly locate what you're looking for"  (Knowledge Management)
bulletWeek of 2001.07.22 Longterm parking at U.S. airports (Travel)
bulletWeek of 2001.07.15
bulletPostInfo Postal Rate Calculator - worldwide (Mail & Packages)
bulletWeek of 2001.07.08
bulletDesign Center: Project Management   (Project Management Tips & Articles)
bulletWeek of 2001.07.01
bulletJournal of the Hyperlinked Organization (Neat Stuff)
bulletWeek of 2001.06.24
bulletBarnes & Noble University "We have combined your passion for knowledge with our love of books, music, software, and video to bring you the future in
learning." (Careers and Development)
bulletWeek of 2001.06.17
bulletJan Freeman's Column (Boston Globe)  well-known word column (Words)
bulletWeek of 2001.06.10
bulletLake Placid in the Adirondacks (The Adirondacks and Lake Champlain)
bulletWeek of 2001.06.03
bulletITpapers is the Yellow Pages of White Papers, with links to over 15,000 White Papers (over 50,000 by the end of 2001). A free service. (Information Technology)
bulletWeek of 2001.05.27
bulletYork County Heritage Trust museums and historic sites (York, PA)
bulletWeek of 2001.05.20
bulletMagellan's Travel Guides  country by country guide, packing guides, technology guides, health guides, security guides (Travel)
bulletWeek of 2001.05.13
bulletColocation Network  "the world's premier online information resource for Internet infrastructure" (Information Technology)
bulletWeek of 2001.05.06 provides the best resources for computer professionals by researching and reviewing many sources including journals, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and input from our customers. (Information Technology)
bulletWeek of 2001.04.29
bulletBeyond the Road Warrior "The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Presentation Technology" (Presentations & Meetings)
bulletWeek of 2001.04.22 "Gateway to the Mobile Economy" The site covers wireless strategies, mergers and acquisitions, investments and the latest applications and hardware news. MBizCentral offers stock reports, columnists, daily e-mail newsletters and wireless delivery options. (Wireless)
bulletWeek of 2001.04.15 is the leading full-service provider of discount travel products and services to the leisure and business traveler and to U.S.-based travel agencies. (Travel)
bulletWeek of 2001.04.08
bulletNational Center for Diseases Travelers Health - International Travel (Travel) 
bulletWeek of 2001.04.01
bulletWeb Hosting Reference - Consumer Guides, Advance Solutions, Bandwidth Issues, Tutorials (Information Technology)
bulletWeek of 2001.03.25
bulletCruel Site of the Day A truly different site which is the antithesis of the Cool Site of the Day genre (Neat Stuff)
bulletWeek of 2001.03.18
bulletFAA's Air Traffic Control Flight Airport Flight Delay Information Real-time Airport Status page. Select an airport from the map or from the drop-down list to obtain the latest delay information (Travel)
bulletWeek of 2001.03.11
bulletWorld Airport Guide  "the most comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the world's airports" (Travel)
bulletWeek of 2001.03.04
bulletITtoolbox Knowledge Management   "offers forums for technical
discussion, an integrated directory, white papers and daily news geared
towards Knowledge Management professionals and users of Knowledge Management products. The portal also provides university articles, peer publishing, source code, how-to-guides guides, job postings and much more" (Knowledge Management)
bulletWeek of 2001.02.25
bulletMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Project Management Resources & Exploration (University Project Management Sites)
bulletWeek of 2001.02.18  Portal for sports around the world (UK, Deutschland, Italia, France, Espana, Danmark, Sverige, Australia, South Africa, Asia) (Sports)
bulletWeek of 2001.02.11
bulletProjects@Work a magazine   "written for professionals with front-line responsibility for project management" (from ProjectWorld) (Project Management)
bulletWeek of 2001.02.04  "Ultimate Technology Directory(TM)" (Information Technology)
bulletWeek of 2001.01.28   "the" Resource for the Mobile Workforce! (Mobile & Remote Computing)
bulletWeek of 2001.01.21
bulletCenter for the Study of Work Teams   "based at the University of North Texas and was created for the purpose of education and research in all areas of collaborative work systems" (Virtual Teams)
bulletWeek of 2001.01.14
bulletWideman Comparative Glossary of Common Project Management Terms (Project Management)
bulletWeek of 2001.01.07
bulletThe Wordwizard - Portal for lovers of the English language   "Your first port of call for anything concerning words and the English language" (Words)

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About Here-Oh's

We are constantly adding new URL's to the StartWright website.  Each week, one of these sites is singled out as being especially useful.  We call them "Here-Oh's" because they hopefully will have you saying" "Oh! Here's a great one! (and we liked the pun.)

Note: Here-Oh's are always added to the appropriate part of the website. To go to that page, click on the link.

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Last modified: January 16, 2006