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Family Life

bulletChildren and Parenting
bulletAmerican Library Association Resources for Parents, Teens and Kids
bulletAskJeeves for Kids  Plain English query search engine
bulletBabyCenter new2.gif (284 bytes) "Thousands of articles on pregnancy and baby"
bulletThe Divorce Support Page   "Divorce, Child Custody, Alimony, Support, Family Law" new2.gif (284 bytes)
bulletFamilyEducation Network  parenting and education
bulletParentSoup new2.gif (284 bytes) "Parenting, Pregnancy, Family, Childcare, Breastfeeding and Infant / Baby resources"
bulletPennsylvania's Child
bulletSafe Kids   "tips, advice and suggestions to make your family's online experience fun and productive!"
bulletSesame Street Central
bulletUS Department of Education - Helping Your Children
bulletWoman's Day Magazine new2.gif (284 bytes)
bulletHomework Assistance
bulletAJR NewsLink
bulletAnnenberg/CPB Projects Learner Online  swh01.jpg (1316 bytes)
bulletB.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper 
bulletDiscovery Channel
bulletDoctor Ah-Clem's Webpages for Students
bulletDr. Internet
bulletHow Stuff Works
bulletLearn2 Learn How To Do Things
bulletNational PTA  three sites - 1-6, 6-12, college
bulletThe Virtual Body
bulletWashington Post's Homework Maniac
bulletThe Why Files  Science behind the news
bulletKid's Entertainment and Education  "the quickest shots to the coolest spots"
bulletCartoon Network
bulletCTW Family Workshop home of Sesame Street
bulletClub Girl Tech  educational, entertaining, chat
bulletDisney "The website for families"  "Hundreds of activities to do with your kids"
bulletMaMaMedia  fun with sound
bulletThe Jim Henson Page
bulletThe National Zoo - Washington, DC  webcams
bulletWeb Teacher  "your source for web knowledge"
bulletThe Yuckiest Site on the Web  "the web guide for kids"
bulletInternet Safety for Kids  filtering programs, child-friendly sites
bulletWork-Life Balance
bulletFamilies and Work Institute "a non-profit organization that addresses the changing nature of work and family life"
bulletThe Work & Family Newsbrief "The nation's only clearinghouse of news and information about work-life issues and practices."
bulletCareguide "Resources and Guidance to Find the Best Care Solution"
bulletWorkaholic's International Network "Our mission is to help YOU put some fun, information, timesavers and balance in your life!" new2.gif (284 bytes)

Parenting & Family Books from Barnes & Noble


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